Pomp and Circumstance, cap and gown, the tassel and mostly that hard earned diploma - College Commencement inside prison has the same elements that all the graduates on ‘the outside’ enjoy.! There is no event more uplifting or motivating then commencement inside a DOCCS facility. Detailed below are vignettes from different commencement exercises, managed by the non-profit Hudson Link in cooperation with DOCCS and several colleges and universities conducting course work inside prison. Celebrate the accomplishment of all involved: the graduates, professors, friends/families, DOCCS, the colleges and especially the positive impact that higher education in the prison brings to everyone in the facilities’ community! CONGRATULATIONS!
Taconic Correctional Facility Commencement 2022
Sing Sing Correctional Facility Commencement 2022
Green Correctional Facility Commencement

Sig Sing Correctional Facility Commencement 2023